
For dinner last night, Mom, Dad, Trudy, Kendrick & I went to one of my favorite Hell’s Kitchen restaurants, Uncle Nick’s. Uncle Nick’s serves affordable (and extremely garlicky, which is good) Greek food, and is the kind of place you can bring someone who announces “I don’t like Greek food” to (the menu is extensive, and there are lots of items suitable for less experimental eaters). 

Above are my picks of the appetizers we ordered (clockwise from top: assorted olives, pita bread, tzatziki, skordalia, and stuffed vine leaves).

I absolutely adore skordalia, a potato-garlic dip, and it seems like it would be fairly simple to make. I did a little research, and here’s my favorite of the recipes I found online:


What you need:

3-4 cloves garlic, peeled

1 cup potatoes, cooked and mashed

2 slices white bread, cubed w/ crusts removed

2 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tbsp lemon juice

Salt to taste

1/4 cup olive oil

Pita triangles (warmed or toasted)

What you do:

1. Place the garlic in a food processor or blender and pulse until finely chopped.

2. Add the mashed potatoes, bread cubes, mayo, lemon juice, and salt.

3. Process until just blended, and with the processor still running, slowly add the olive oil in a thin stream. Continue processing until creamy; adjust seasoning to taste. 

4. Cover and chill for two hours; remove from refrigerator 30-45 minutes before serving. 

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