
Worst Travel Day Ever?

OK, so our holiday travel experience thus far has been…less-than-smooth.

Were you one of the hundreds of people stuck in terrible traffic on the Grand Central Parkway on the way to LaGuardia Airport around 6PM on Wednesday? Well, you can thank us (or at least the lady who cut off our taxi, resulting in a semi-terrifying skid and collision). The accident was bad enough that the taxi driver had to wait for the police, but our flight time was rapidly drawing nearer…so Kendrick and I stood in the lane that had been blocked off for the accident and sort of flailed around, hoping to find a taxi willing to stop in the middle of the highway to pick us up. This plan did not work.

Fortunately, a Good Samaritan came to our aid.

Then I forced Kendrick to pose for photos in the airport.

We got on the plane, and just before takeoff something exploded.

Lots of fire trucks and police cars showed up, but we eventually made it to Ohio.

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