
Reader Molly wrote to tell me about Shannon Lambert, who was recently named a 2009 L’Oreal Woman of Worth for her volunteer work with Pandora’s Project, an organization that provides support, information, and resources to sexual violence survivors and their supporters. She was chosen for this honor from more than 2,500 applicants, and Pandora’s will receive a $5,000 donation from L’Oreal. The organization is now part of an online vote to win $25,000, so if you would like to show your support for Pandora’s Project please go here, enter your email address in the box on the right, and click on the “submit vote” button (you don’t need to register).  Each email address is allowed one vote, and voting ends November 24.

Shannon is one brave and driven young woman, and I, for one, would like to show my support for her remarkable achievement in creating the largest international online sexual abuse survivor community.

If you or any of your loved ones have been a victim of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse, consider connecting with others through Pandora’s Aquarium, an online support group that is safely monitored by a diverse group of survivors.

If you are in crisis or need professional support now, please check out these resources to find help.

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