
DIY Wedding Save-The-Date Postcards

A little wedding money-saving tip to start your Thursday…

For our save-the-date cards, Kendrick and I picked up a ton of inexpensive postcards (like the one pictured above) from the town where we were getting married (Ogunquit, ME). You can also scour eBay for vintage postcards of your locale – they’re often sold in bulk.

We then went to a custom stamp-making store and for $25 created a stamp with our names, the date of the wedding, and the location of the wedding…all in my handwriting, which I thought was a nice, personal touch. We stamped each postcard with the info, and sent them out. Super-easy, and super-inexpensive.

Some custom-stamp websites are here, here, and here.

Reader Chelsea from Australia wrote in with a great idea: for her own wedding, she attached small magnets (which can be purchased at any craft store) to the back of the save-the-dates. This not only makes it easier for your guests to affix your save-the-date to the refrigerator, but also increases the likelihood that it’ll stay where it is long after the wedding, serving as a lovely reminder of your day.

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