
As the sun set over the Hudson Valley, I finally departed Fishkill Farms, perfect pumpkin in hand(s). Check back here in just a few days for my “Domestic Bliss with Jordan Reid” webcast on picking the perfect pumpkin.

BTW, see those awesome cowboy boots I’m wearing (my jeans are too long and are covering them, but you get the idea)? I bought those at a Salvation Army in Colorado during my freshman year of college, and pretty much glued them to my feet for six years straight (I have to treat them more delicately now that they’re getting on in years). There’s a switchblade mark in them from my stint as a bartender at Hogs ‘n’ Heifers (I promise I’ll tell that story one of these days). They’ve fallen completely apart and been rebuilt…I don’t know, four or five times. Some things you just can’t let go of. 

Velvet t-shirt, Mossimo Supply Co. cardigan from Target, True Religion jeans, vintage, Cartier & MOMA necklaces, vintage boots.

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