
I am not what one would call the most graceful of people. I once broke my toe walking into a wall (in the apartment that I had lived in for seventeen years at the time…so you would think I might have a better sense of the layout, but no), and I once broke my coccyx (yes, my butt) falling down the stairs in front of a boy I had a crush on. So the physical humor of vaudeville kinda has a special place in my heart.

I only saw Cirque du Soleil once, when I was about twelve, and have been dying to go back ever since. Their new show, Banana Shpeel, is something totally different, though: it blends the kind of extraordinary choreography we’ve come to expect from Cirque du Soleil with humor and adventure, and I imagine will be something Broadway hasn’t seen the likes of before. Also, how cool is that poster? It kind of reminds me of the artwork in this book, which was one of my childhood faves.

For someone who grew up in the middle of the Theater District, I’ve seen embarrassingly few Broadway shows, and am hoping to win tickets to see this one when it opens in New York in February (it opens in Chicago in November).

To learn more about Cirque du Soleil’s newest production, go here, and click here to check out a video about the show.

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