
The finished product, served alongside a store-bought Caesar salad. Super-quick and easy…the entire dinner for four took about 15 minutes. Go HERE for the video.


What you need:

A box and a half of dried linguine (I like Barilla brand)

Olive oil

Salt & pepper

Approximately 2 cups of cubed pancetta (ask your butcher for a slice about 2 inches thick and cube it yourself, being sure to cut off the rind first)

4 eggs

1/2 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese

About 1 1/2 cups of steamed peas (steam-in-the=bag is fine)

What you do:

1. Cook linguine according to package directions in a large pot of salted water.

2. Meanwhile, set a heavy-bottomed large pan (big enough to put the pasta in later) over medium heat and cook the pancetta cubes in about 2 tbsp of olive oil until crispy.

3. While the pancetta cooks, put the eggs, cream, and parmesan in a small bowl; whisk together. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Drain pasta, reserving about 3/4 cup of cooking water. Pour pasta into the large pan holding the pancetta, adding cooking water to lubricate if necessary, and toss around so pasta is coated with pancetta and juices.

5. Remove pan from heat and immediately pour over the egg/cream/parmesan mixture; moving quickly, toss to coat. The heat from the pasta will cook the egg in the sauce.

6. Pour steamed peas into pan with pasta, toss. Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary.

7. Serve!

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