
At the Votre Vu stand at the Girls’ Night Out event, I taste-tasted the Snapdragon Beauty Beverage, which was described to me as an anti-aging drink filled with acai berries, collagen, aloe vera, and fiber. My interest was piqued when the representative explained that it’s delicious mixed with “21+ drinks,” and is equally useful for banishing the aftereffects of those grown-up beverages the next morning. Also, it tasted to me like mangos and strawberries, which is always a good thing. 

If you’d like to make an antioxidant smoothie at home, here’s a good recipe to try from Suite101


Blend together 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 cup acai berry juice (can be found at many health food stores), 1/2 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt, and 1 tbsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder. 

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