
With my sleepy husband at Aja Bistro & Lounge, where we ate dinner with the (relatively) newly affianced couple (Parisa & Tim) and the (very) newly wed couple (Mikha & Edwin). 

I would like to take a moment here to comment on the unbelievable transition that my hair has undergone since I was fortunate enough to sample Doug Macintosh’s Keratin Treatment at the John Sahag Workshop. Seriously, I have never in my life had hair like this. I have crappy hair: it breaks, it frizzes…it does everything that I don’t want it to do. But in the week or so since I had the treatment, my hair is perfection. Here’s how it behaves:

Air-drying: I used to have a bit of a lioness poof whenever I air-dried my hair. My mom loved it; no one else did. Now, if I let my hair air dry, it forms into perfect, smooth waves with textured ends that falsely speak of generous product application.

Blow-drying: It takes about half the time now, and instead of ending up with poofy, frizzed-out hair that requires a go-over with the flat iron, I have smooth, healthy-looking tresses that not only don’t require an iron…but require nothing at all. My Frizz-Ease has gone on hiatus. 

Curling: Slightly problematic; my hair will hold a curl after a day of not washing, but it doesn’t seem to want to (to tell the truth, though, I haven’t really tried; I’ve mostly just been enjoying how smooth it looks). 

Flat-ironing: Almost entirely unnecessary, but nice for a touch-up or two after air-drying. 

I cannot believe that this is my hair. I am completely, utterly obsessed with the Keratin Treatment…I really don’t think I can ever go back. 

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