

The DL on Hair Extensions

I’ve tried Jessica Simpson human-hair clip-ins, which are way too expensive (about $500) for how they look, and wore ones that my hairdresser, Karmela, made for my wedding updo. I don’t wear them any more because I’m kind of digging shorter hair these days, but am nevertheless extremely jealous that Julia is getting these Platinum Seamless things.

And yes, I too have done the “rip-‘em-out-in-the-bathroom” trick…on my second date with Kendrick, when I went to Spaceland (in LA) to watch him play (yup…he tried to run his fingers through my hair, necessitating a quick trip to the ladies’).


So!  Since I’ll be trying the Platinum Seamless on Friday, I thought it was about time I discussed the other types of “Hair Plus,” as I call it (that’s a lie, I’ve never called it that), two of which I’ve actually tried.  The third, a weave, I’ve never attempted, so I can’t speak to it, but if anyone has personal experience, send me a note & I’ll publish it!

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