Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Scapes

What are these crazy-looking things?!

They're very pretty and twisty, but I honestly had no idea what to make of them when I spotted them  at our local farmer's market last Saturday. It turns out that garlic scapes are a late spring/early-summer thing - they're the part of the garlic that grows above ground, and that gets harvested so that the bulb below can mature more fully.

What do they taste like? Garlic. Except lighter and fresher and milder, so you can use lots of them.

How to use them? Apparently pretty much any way you'd use the regular stuff, but the subtle flavor means they're extremely versatile: people pickle them, make them into pesto, blend them with white beans to make crostini, add them to soups and pastas, and even eat the younger (milder) ones raw.


Chinese Chicken Salad with Soy-Ginger Dressing

Alright, guys: this is really good.

Morgan introduced me to this recipe years ago (so long ago that the original photo I took of it pre-dates the launch of Ramshackle Glam and is thus MIA...which is probably a good thing because my food photos back then were several levels south of "terrible"). For awhile I made it all the time, but then I kind of forgot about it.

And whenever it did occur to me, I thought, you know: "Salad. Ehhh. Steak would probably be more delicious."

But it's not salad, it's SALAD. With exclamation points! Tangy, garlicky, a little sweet, phenomenal. And it includes avocado and crunchy noodles, and let's get real: that's all you really need to know.

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