

I Sort Of Skipped FNO

My plan had been to go to Mulberry to see a friend who works there and then to Saks, but carrying two steaks and five new potatoes home from the store was apparently enough to send me into a coma for the rest of the evening.


Breakfast w/ Vogue, I.N.C., & Anna Dello Russo

Not a bad lineup for 8AM, hey?

So obviously I was a little nervous about what to wear. It being Fashion Week...and Vogue...and Conde Nast...then add in the whole about-to-give-birth the rain thing...and...


Here's what I came up with:


Day Trip: Tarrytown, N.Y.

Tarrytown is another one of those day trips from NYC that's so easy that it almost doesn't feel like a "trip" at all: 15 bucks and 50 minutes on the MetroNorth from Grand Central, a three-minute walk up the hill from the train station, and you're there.

We went yesterday because it's one of the towns on the shortlist of Places We're Thinking About Moving To Within The Next Year Or So (along with Irvington and some of the other neighboring towns), and also because...well, let's be honest: it was probably the last day trip I have in me for awhile (just walking up the hill made me so tired that I could easily have fallen asleep under the table during lunch).

In a nutshell, Tarrytown is a relaxed place with a bit of a hippie vibe and lots of organic/sustainable foodie options, plus some nice antiquing and pretty historical sightseeing (like Washington Irving's home and one of the oldest surviving theaters in Westchester County).

To-dos in Tarrytown:


Tokyo Police Club Covers Harlem Shakes

Strictly Game by TokyoPoliceClub

Just got my hands on a Tokyo Police Club cover of "Strictly Game" (from Harlem Shakes' album Technicolor Health) courtesy of TPC's manager (and our buddy) Andrew.

The bands went on tour together awhile back (I went with them for awhile), and they're such nice guys - and their new project, which involves them covering ten songs from ten successive years over the course of ten days in the studio, is awesome. The full track list includes everything from the Shakes and LCD Soundsystem to...Miley Cyrus and Kelly Clarkson. The whole thing streams here.

And, if you're interested, here's the video of the Harlem Shakes' original version. Give it thirty seconds or so and watch carefully - it's not what you'll think it is.

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