

After the panel, I hung around to chat with the attendees (just realized it looks like I’m signing an autograph…oh god no, just writing down my phone number), including Jen from one of my absolute favorite sites, DailyCandy (above).

Special thanks to Gaja for my new favorite cookbook - you’re the best!


Yesterday, I was invited to a Marshalls/TJ Maxx event to check out some new spring fashions. OK, I know I write about them a lot, but oh my god, do I love these stores. When I first started at NonSociety, I attended a Marshalls/TJ Maxx event hosted by Robert Verdi at which I was given a gift card to each store. I’d never been before, because I thought it was sort of like Strawberry…not realizing that they have incredible deals on designer clothing just like you’d find at an upscale department store (and when I say incredible, I mean that I found my mom a black sequined top worth nearly $400 for $39.99). But I figured I’d give the places a shot, being as I am not one to waste perfectly good gift cards.

I am now a total convert. (I kinda prefer TJ Maxx over Marshalls, but I think that’s because the Marshalls I’ve been to - the one on West 125th Street - isn’t the prettiest, and the new TJ Maxx store on 100th and Columbus is spectacular).

Above, I’m checking out some gorgeous flats that I very much want to be wearing this spring.

Gap sweatshirt (yeahh…I bought another one), Item necklace, Kooba bag.


Some of my favorite finds at the Marshalls/TJ Maxx event I attended yesterday. (Francesca came along with me, and I practically had to pry that black-and-white bag from her fingers.)

Remember my holiday fashion video?? I’ll be doing another one - this time on spring fashion - shortly. That dress? Will be MINE.

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