

HOT. By which I mean the clothes (OK, and also the models). I absolutely adored the Gilded Age show, which featured organic, weathered jeans and peacoats, tailored suits and trenches, and sexy accessories like fingerless gloves, cashmere scarves, and beaten-up boots (the top hats and newsboy caps that were featured were far less drool-worthy). When describing the show to Kendrick afterwards, I said that I wanted him to own almost everything I saw (except for the top hats). When I described the look as “Indiana Jones on a fashionable day,” he concurred.


The incredible site of the Gilded Age show: New York’s oldest remaining synagogue (and the third oldest in the U.S.). Built in 1849, the synagogue is now owned and maintained by the Angel Orensanz Foundation, an “artistic and cultural resource open to artists, writers, thinkers and leaders from all over the world.”


My Fashion Week Day 2 look: poofy hair, Gap cardigan, an XL Liz Lange Maternity for Target blouse worn as a dress (yep), oversize cream-and-gold scarf (a gift from Francesca).

On Friday’s agenda: the Gilded Age show and Robert Verdi’s The Future of Fashion party at Luxe Lounge. FUN.

(BTW, lately I am absolutely obsessed with NARS lip gloss in Turkish Delight; I was doing the dark lips thing for awhile, but I think that kohl-rimmed eyes with light eyeshadow and ’60s-style pale lips are perfect for spring.)


Click here to read all about the ASPCA’s seizure of 96 animals from a notorious Mississippi puppy mill. Many of the small-breed dogs (including shih tsus, lhasa apsos, and chihuahuas) will soon be ready for adoption.

Please, go here to lend your support to the ASPCA’s extraordinary efforts.

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