
Homemade Strawberry-Banana-Nutella Crepes

What you do:

1. In a medium mixing bowl, mix together flour and eggs (it’ll obviously be very thick and paste-y).

2. Slowly mix in the milk and water, whisking constantly.

3. Add salt and butter; beat until smooth.

4. Heat your crepe pan or frying pan and oil lightly (you need to start working with the batter right away, or the butter will begin to congeal and make it lumpy).

5. Scoop about 1/4 cup batter into the center and then tilt the pan in a circular motion until the batter spreads out evenly. Important: do not walk away from the stove at any point during this process – it’s very speedy, and you need to monitor it closely.

6. Cook the crepe for 1-2 minutes, or until the first side is lightly golden, then loosen with a spatula, flip, and cook the other side.

I was able to get 5 crepes out of this – I filled two with Nutella, bananas, and strawberries, and sprinkled the other three with lemon juice and superfine sugar. Amaaaazing.

Like I said: never going out for these things again.

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