Posts Tagged: Gardening


DIY Mason Jar Hanging Herb Planter

Last summer I planted my very first herb garden, and let me tell you: not having to run to the supermarket and spend five bucks on a teeny-tiny container of mint or rosemary or thyme every time you need a sprig (or even just a single leaf) is the best. But even if you're an apartment-dweller with no nearby grass or yard or outdoor space to plant in, no fear: you too can have fresh herbs at your fingertips.

Once again: mason jar to the rescue. This DIY takes about three minutes...and is the most satisfying project ever. (It's also a fun project to get kids involved with; you should cut the twine, but they can do pretty much everything else.)


How-To: Grow Plants From Cuttings

When my mom came over to my house after visiting our friends Eddie and Sharyn down in Florida and handed me a Saran-Wrapped package, declaring "I brought you cuttings," I was a little confused. I mean, they look like...branches. I didn't really understand why they were something that my mom might want to carry through airports. But after a little Googling I realized that they're the loveliest gift ever: they're basically a way to create little plant "children".


I love this idea, mostly because I remember where each and every plant in our garden came from, and it's so cool to imagine that in a few years I'll be able to look at these and know that their "parents" are growing in my faraway friends' home (theoretically, I mean; we're talking Remedial Gardener over here, and these plants will need a bit more than a wish and a prayer to make it through alive).

Not all plants will grow from cuttings, but Sharyn assured me that this particular plant - a Mexican petunia - grows "like wildfire" (and can apparently even grow in rainless, concrete parking lots), so I suppose that's a good start.

DIY Projects

DIY Vegetable Garden Bed

Ever heard of a raised garden bed? They're kind of the best. I spent yesterday shooting a segment on how to put one together, and can now explain to you exactly why they are wonderful. Let's discuss!

1. They're great for vegetable gardens because you can place plants very close together, and because the loosely packed soil makes for excellent drainage conditions.

2. They can be used pretty much anywhere (on decks, or even indoors), and are extremely versatile. This is just a simple 4'x4' bed, but you can stack them, expand them, and even make them into pretty shapes (I ended up stacking a second 4'x4' bed on top to make the walls a little higher.)


Basil Resuscitation In Progress

It turns out that ceramic pots - or at least the ones I own - don't crack when you drill into the bottoms to create drainage holes, as I'd feared. That's excellent news, because my plants are seriously not enjoying the Noah's Ark-style weather we've been having on the East Coast lately.

My heroic husband has (hopefully) saved my herbs.

(Those are the old, semi-drowned basil plants; I'm trying to decide whether to leave them be and see whether they'll come back to life or just go ahead and pot some new ones.)

DIY Projects

Herb Garden Success (So Far)

Gardening Week on Ramshackle Glam continues, this time with my very first herb garden.

Well, second, actually. But I don't think we should count the thing that I stuck in the ground outside my house in Los Angeles, completely forgot about, and killed within about 72 hours.

As of this morning it's been nearly 146 hours since I planted the pots pictured here, and so far, so good.


Question For You: What Is This?

These red-stemmed (and pretty large) plants just popped up in my backyard last week, in an area that looks vaguely as if the previous owners might have used it for a vegetable garden. To me it looks a tiny bit like rhubarb, but I Googled and...not exactly.

Tell me I might be making pies this summer?! Also please tell me if this is, like, a shih-tzu-eating Audrey 2 or something.


Getting My Garden On

All weekend I wandered around in this sort of happiness-haze, wearing garden gloves and scooping dirt and saying things to Kendrick like "Who KNEW? I mean really...who knew?!" And he was sort of confused by my need to announce (over and over) how amazed I was by the fact that I was enjoying something that was way, way outside the realm of anything I would have ever thought I'd enjoy...but seriously.


I never in a million years understood why people liked gardening. I was like, " you spend all weekend hunched over on your hands and knees digging in the dirt, probably encountering things like insects, and at the end you get...something that you could probably just go pick up over at CVS? Cool, guys."

But it's so satisfying. And the results are so gorgeous. And there's something really incredible about standing back, looking at your yard which was once one thing and is now another thing entirely, and thinking I did that.

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