You know those things in your house that are, very simply and for no especially good reason, your favorites? Your favorite blanket, your favorite mug, your favorite pair of underwear for when no one but you is going to see it (just me?).
I would venture that each and every one of us has a favorite bowl. The one that, should it be clean, we would automatically choose for anything from ice cream to cereal to pasta. Francesca, for example, has a favorite bowl. It happens to be one I gave her many years ago, and I know this because during our daily morning phone session she mentioned to me that said favorite bowl had broken (these are the fascinating subjects we cover as we putter and caffeinate). She had initially been despondent, she said, until she went on eBay and discovered her favorite bowl for sale, in two colors. Huzzah!
But the story of the bowls doesn’t end there, no no! Because at that precise moment, do you know what was in my hand as I prepared to make breakfast?
The very same bowl, albeit in a different color. Francesca’s favorite bowl, it turns out, is my favorite bowl, as well.
And that, my friends, is called symbiosis. (I think.)

During the shoot where I discovered these lovelies
Here is the sad denouement to this story: I used to own several of these pieces from Pyrex’s Vintage Charm collection, as you can see here. I broke them all, save for my very last, very most favorite one (the yellow in the middle). Even sadder – so sad – is that this entire line appears to have been discontinued.
But! You can still find them on eBay. I am annoyed that I have to buy some more, but such is what one does when one discovers something that is completely and truly perfect.
Please enjoy this tiny roundup of a few more of my personal-perfect things.
- Loveliest little mug
- Dressed in LALA oversized sweater
- Pilcro “The Kit” Jeans
- C.O. Bigelow Lemon Lip Balm
- Oh my god, this book
- SunBum face sunscreen
- Underwear