Just A Little Encouragement

Just A Little Encouragement

How To Write A Book (Or, More Accurately: How I Wrote A Book)

Illustration (and an early RG cover idea) by Katie Rodgers

Let me start by saying that I have been "writing a book" for most of my adult life. How many of these books have I finished, you ask? Up until a few months ago…none. Or…one, actually, but it was so terrible that I don't think it counts (it was an attempt at a girl-moves-to-LA-and-makes-poor-dating-choices rom-com thing that ended up being just sort of an accurate reflection of my actual poor dating choices at the time and was thus less "oh how cute and entertaining" and more "oh Jesus, that's sad").

When you want to write a book - and that's probably the one thing that I have wanted most in the world for as far back as I can remember - it's always there with you, that nagging sense of incompletion and guilt. "Today," you say to yourself, "is the day I start writing for real." You make promises to yourself that from now on, you'll write ten (or five, or two) pages every single day, and then…you don't. Life gets in the way. Years pass, and your book is still sitting there on your laptop, unfinished, and now transformed into a source of anxiety rather than something you're excited about.


Work It Out

Q. Jordan,

How do you handle childcare for your son and working from home? I am expecting my first child, and own my own business. I have a home office but spend about 15-20 hours a week out and about meeting clients. Also, when I'm working from home, I actually need to work, of course.

I'm feeling like I will need full-time childcare in order to get everything done but also feel like there should be some benefit to owning my own business/working from home that I could get away with less. I'd love to hear how you balance things?



Career Confusion And Getting It Done

Q. Hi Jordan:

You've alluded several times to the fact that career time in your 20s was about figuring out what you wanted to do, not necessarily...doing it. My twenties are shaping up to be a complicated mess...and I'm wondering if you could help.

My original goal was to be a writer, but a few jobs into the media world I began to question this choice. I gave up writing to go back to school, and now I'm feeling like I never should have done so. Simply stated: I feel like I was put on this planet to write, but I have no earthly clue how to go about doing this.


How To Move On From The Past When It’s Right There In Front Of You

Q. Dear Jordan,

I have a question that I feel like you might be able to relate to.

I fell in love with [a famous musician]. Without going into telling details, I helped shape his now incredibly successful and lucrative career. 

We've lost touch and he's only gotten more successful. He has children now, and I am a relatively new mother. Mutual friends keep me informed of the goings-on but it only takes the laziest of Google searches to see that he's still traveling the world and making music.

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