
What’s In My Bag


Like most women, I carry my life in my bag. The whole thing.

There’s a good reason for this: I have to physically tote anything I want to put on or in my body along with me when I leave the house, because guess what’s not happening in my life? Things like planning for snacks or putting on a face of make-up. I mean, I love the idea of sitting down and lingering over coffee and the newspaper…it’s just not even in the realm of possibility lately, not when there are two people who need cereal (three kinds, all mixed together in highly specific proportions) and tooth-brushing and dressing and toy-locating and et cetera et cetera.

So I take it all with me. Makeup, snacks, jewelry, toys, the works. It’s the only way.

What’s in my bag when I barrel out the door on the average day:

  • A minimum of two pairs of sunglasses.
  • A plastic banana toothbrush that is my daughterís favorite toy of the moment (with that rainbow bear being a close second).
  • The makeup basics for on-the-go touch ups: lip balm, MAC Studio Fix Powder (a foundation-plus-powder I am never, ever without), and liquid eyeliner (which I am totally capable of applying in the rearview mirror at a red light; extremely proud of this skill).
  • A single-serving Plenti Greek Yogurt: a recent discovery of mine. This yogurt is deliiiiicious. Sort of like a dialed-up Greek yogurt that contains fruit, oats, and seeds mixed right in and is a more substantial snack. The only problem with taking this along with me as my breakfast: my son is virtually guaranteed to request “just one bite.” (With four-year-old boys, it is never “just one bite.” Ever.)
  • Lollipops for bribery purposes.
  • Business cards
  • Some jewelry
  • A book because even though there is virtually zero chance that it will get opened, a girl can dream.

Here is a pretty picture of my favorite Plenti Greek Yogurt flavor (blueberry, which contains berries, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and oats, and has 12 grams of protein), artfully arranged alongside an adorable wooden spoon and a nosegay of fresh roses. Why this obviously contrived setup? Because you don’t need to see a photo of how it really gets eaten: in some parking lot or another, and with whatever implement (my daughter’s baby spoon, a plastic fork left over from Chinese takeout, chopsticks, whatever) I’m able to locate at the bottom of my purse. (Still delicious though.)

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