My Looks

The Golden Hour

Where I took my brand-new hair color out for its debut: on a date night with Kendrick to watch the sun set in a local park, followed by sushi at our favorite spot in Dobbs Ferry.

This, by the way, is what photographers are talking about when they refer to “the golden hour” or “the magic hour” – it’s that moment when the sun is just over the horizon and casts a soft, reddish light that’s more flattering for…well, virtually everything. It enhances landscape colors, diffuses the light hitting the face (which eliminates those harsh shadows created by direct sunlight), and makes everything it hits seem to glow.

park sunset

How To Take Advantage Of The Golden Hour

  • Plan ahead: You’ll only have a narrow window during which to capture the light at its peak, so scout out your location in advance and know what you’re planning to shoot.
  • Use this handy Golden Hour Calculator to find when the hour will occur in your neck of the woods.
  • Set your white balance to the “Cloudy” setting rather than to automatic.
  • Start shooting before the “perfect” moment and keep shooting for a bit afterwards – the light changes dramatically from minute to minute during this time period, so there are lots of gorgeous variations to be captured.

back of hair

freebird bootsvidal sassoon hair color

On Me: Vidal Sassoon Salonist Permanent At-Home Hair Color in Very Light Neutral Blonde ℅; Splendid Shirt; Forever 21 Scarf; Zara Jeans; Freebird Yerba Boots; Tom Ford Sunglasses; Claire Bucket Bag c/o Ora Delphine; TJ Maxx Earmuffs.

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