
A Stroll Down Memory Lane: Clean & Clear Commercial (1998)

My 15-year high school reunion is tomorrow. I’m going because there are a couple of people it would be really fun to see, and because I love the idea of showing Kendrick my old classrooms and such…but the idea of walking into my old high school makes me panic. High school memories are a little complicated. I mean, you were in high school too, presumably. You know.


Anyway, the upcoming reunion inspired me to do some Googling in search of yet another ancient gem: a Clean and Clear commercial that I shot when I was sixteen, was teased for more than you can imagine, and that there is a very good chance that you remember if you were alive and/or of TV-watching age in 1998, because it was on that much. Which was both good (residual checks) and bad (the aforementioned teasing).

It’s not quite the Frosted Flakes commercial in terms of pure teenage dorkiness, but it’s close.

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