
Weekend Snapshots

On Saturday we met a few of our friends at the park for what theoretically sounded like a great idea: an Easter Egg Hunt.

This photo should give you a general idea of approximately how well our son received the idea of charging across a lawn accompanied by a throng of shrieking children who must get ALL THE EGGS.

In the end, I’m happy to announce that an egg was secured. (I may have assisted, and said assistance may have involved physically body-checking an egg-crazed five-year-old away from that particular specimen you see up there.)

Oh yes…and then we met the Easter Bunny.

So I’d say the success level of this trip, on a scale of 1-10, was somewhere around a 2.5 (we’ll give it a couple of points because of the aforementioned egg, which contained a Now & Later that I enjoyed very much).

Later on, things took a turn for the better. When I stopped into the supermarket last week a very lovely lady gave me a free baby white pine for some reason or another, and so on Saturday we decided to take our very first stab at planting.

I’ve always wanted a tree swing in my backyard, and in thirty or forty years…well, here’s hoping.

Next up: jumping lessons.


Double whee.

That night, Kendrick made the Crack Pasta (excellent work, my man).

And then on Sunday, it was into the city for Passover with family…

And presents from Nana.

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