Monthly Archives: April 2010


Planet Flops Giveaway!

Planet Flops flip-flops, which I'm wearing in the above photo (oy, do I ever need a tan) and which are just about the most comfortable things ever (even more comfortable than my much-adored Havianas, if you can believe it), would like to give one RamshackleGlam reader the opportunity to take a pair for a test run this summer!



That's me about three years ago, right before I fled LA for New York. I was extremely tan. And blonde. And did things like drive red Mustangs (lord, do I ever rue the day I sold that car) while wearing pink bikinis.


More Shots From Last Night

Well, this is an odd - and yet sorta oddly cool - shot from last night's event (thanks for sending it my way, Alejandra!). It could also probably go in the dictionary under "How Not To Pose On the Red Carpet."

I like this one better. It was taken by very, very talented photographer Gene Michael Bradley (who is also a friend of mine, and who I was surprised to see behind the camera last night):

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