Monthly Archives: March 2010


Miso Soup

Miso soup doesn’t seem to be particularly popular in Moncton (where my family is from) yet, but at the Farmers Market I saw a stand where a young woman was handing out samples (and selling DIY ingredients) to passers-by.


A little pit stop in a free clinic (apparently not so free to non-Canadian residents) to get some medicine to halt my continuing illness in its tracks before I head to Mexico on Monday. Feeling better already!


New Moon Creations Contest Winners!

Congrats to winners Amy (Peridot), Lisa Hazen (Sweetgrass), Jeanne (Turquoise), Kim (Lapis), and Krista L. (Carnelian)!

Girls: email your addresses to ASAP, so Trudy can get your pendants out to you! 

P.S. All Ramshackle Glam readers get 30% off of any New Moon Creations product (including tarot readings, which can be done via email) through March 31st. Just mention the site in your order form!

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