
I got pretty bored while Kendrick sat bleeding in the emergency room, so I decided to mosey on over to the Gap to peruse the wares.

Kidding! What kind of wife do you think I am? This picture was taken right after brunch, when we headed over to the Third Avenue Gap for a little shopping (Julia mentioned to me that she saw a few things on her recent trip that she thought I’d love). See? That’s my healthy (albeit slightly irritated) husband in the background, patiently holding my scarf and jacket and staring out into space while I take iPhone photos in the mirror (it’s for reasons like this that I am constantly cooking him delicious dinners). 

Is it bad that I want this coat desperately, even though it reminds me of my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Firestone? It’s cozy, and warmer than just about anything I own, and only $64, and I love it…I don’t care what you think. No, I do. What do you think?!

P.S. I bought the hat, obviously.

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